
The Rise of Salafi Jihadism in Bosnian Teens

  The Rise of salafism in Bosnian Teens By: Claren James  Date Published: August,25,2022 Islamist Propoganda The Bosniak People are known for there harsh war that accured in t he Balkans in 1992, lasting over 3 years, the Bosniak people picked up Jihadism as a source of victory over the ending of the war. as the war brought hard times for all three ethnic groups of Bosnia (Bosniaks,Serbs and Croats) These ethnic groups still live today with scares from the war and there new generations are seeking terrorism and nationalism as a way to inflict there hatred towards the other ethnic groups. The religous Status of Bosnia in 2013 are 50% Bosniak Muslims, 30% Orthodox Serbs and 15% Catholic Croats. Salafi Influencer Caught for Ties to Islamic State.